Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Album Review - Crush is a Boss Ass Album

2NE1 has just recently come out with their new album, 'Crush'. I wasn't aware of this until I stumbled upon the thousands of tumblr posts on my dash that were screaming at me to listen to the album. So I did. And I didn't regret it one bit.

First and foremost, I wasn't really expecting much from the album. Yes, I'm a Blackjack, and yes I love 2NE1, but I wasn't really expecting anything with the quality of music from 2013 (with a few exceptions). But this just blew my mind.

The album has its strong points, as well as some weak points as well, and I'll be discussing that in the rest of the article.

The first song to really catch my attention was not the title, track, but a few tracks in, five to be exact, 'Good To You'. The song was produced by Teddy and G-Dragon to my understanding, and I never thought that someone who shat out awful song after awful song (Michi Go) would be able to make such a beautiful sounding piece.

After listening to each individual song after I listened to the whole thing non-stop, the next song to come out as extremely beautiful to me was 'If I Were You'. It seemed to be the track from the album that everyone was talking about, so I decided to judge whether the attention it got was worthy by myself, and hell, it deserves all the love it got. Thank you CL and Dee.P for producing this. I love you forever.

Joining the list of (positively) notable songs is 'Baby I Miss You', lyrics courtesy of CL.

It has a particularly lounge feel to it kind of reminding me a bit of Seo In Young's 'Love Me'. 
As displayed in my favorite albums list, I really enjoy songs like this, thus allowing me to like this one and mention it in a positive light. However, I can see why some people may not, being that the instrumental alone could be slightly boring to a listener and the speaking parts and even some of the singing parts could come off as awkward. But I still love the song, and nothing's changing that.

The last song to make the positive list is one of the songs that actually got an MV, 'Come Back Home'. At first, I thought the song would be complete shit, and the first time I listened to it, I was quite indifferent about it, but had a sort of dislike toward it. However, the more I listened to it, the more it grew on me. It's just one of those songs. I used to think Dara's "Come baby" part was annoying, but grew accustomed to the sound and find myself embarrassing myself and singing it when it comes on. And must I mention the insane amounts of jokes based on this line? Sad thing is, some of them are actually quite funny. The reason I started to like it? It got stuck in my head when I was sitting in school and I was extremely bored, so I think that caused me to become less bored, and thus I linked the song with something good, and look at me now. It's among my favorite songs on the album.

Now it's time to mention the awful parts of the album. Though not as plentiful as the good, there's still shit on this album. Two songs in particular, and I'm sad that it's come to this.

Sadly, making it to the list, is the title track itself, 'Crush'. I don't think I really need to explain why I hate this song. But I will anyways as short as possible, because thinking about the song is damn near painful. The English. Please, someone kill me. I'd rather be dead than listen to this shit. Who thought this was a good idea? Oh, that's right. CL wrote the damn lyrics. Never mind, I don't love her anymore.

And possibly the shittest rap in history, CL's 'MTBD' everyone. Now, don't get me wrong, I hated the song ages before the whole thing about the Quran came up, and that doesn't really bother me anyways because I'm not Muslim. However, what did bother me, was that this song even made it on the album. Why? It's so fucking bad. It's just... no. CL, I know you can do better than this. You showed this in all most of the other songs in this album, so why didn't you wait a second and think, "You know, this song is shit." So thank you to CL and Teddy for fucking shit up again. Thank you.

Overall, Crush is a great album, with two exceptions. For good reasons... On the plus, I can just skip those when the come on and be happy.

Result - 8.75/10
+ Dara improving
+ Four great songs
+ 'Come Back Home' is a great MV
+ Bom actually looks good in 'Come Back Home'
+ Styling is actually good in 'Come Back Home' (we saved one video from the grasps of the great JS)
- Why does this have to be ruined by awful English
- Why the fuck does MTBD even exist
- Jeremy Scott is the new JYP of shitting on fashion in 2NE1's music videos

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