Now, I'm not one who's really into the whole 'album' thing. What I mean is, yes, I can like one song from an album, but I usually think the rest are just utter shit. However, I have just started to listen to a few albums recently, and have found that some of them are just unexpected complete masterpieces. So here, I will list some of my favorite albums in the K-Pop industry (in no particular order).
9Muses' Wild (2013)
Starting off the list is 9Muses with their EP for 'Wild'. Though 'Wild' may be the title track (as well as the most well known), it's not what made the EP for me. What DID make the EP was the song 'Living Person'. I don't know how to exactly put how it sounds to words, but it's simply amazing. The way the Eunji and Euaerin softened their tones during the raps was simply magnificent (in my opinion). It seems like I have a thing for 9Muses' more ballad-esque songs, because 'Paper Scraps' is the song that originally led me to listen to the whole album in the first place. And I don't regret it one bit.
Gain's Step 2/4 (2010)
Now, don't kill me. I know it's an EP, but that won't stop me from putting it on this list. In this album, Gain adapts a tango style that lies consistently throughout all the songs on her EP. The thing that surprised me most was even though both Irresistible and Truth had the same backing track, both songs were absolutely great. Tango the Night to me sounded quite strange at first, but has slowly grown to become one of my favorite songs on the list.
9Muses' Prima Donna (2013)
I've been a Mine for quite a while now, Dolls being the song that really got me interested in the group. Possibly, it was the sort of jazzy feel to the song, which carries on to their first full album, Prima Donna, released in October of 2013, very close to one of the other albums I'll be featuring on this list. Only recently have I listened to the whole album, and I have to say, it's quite beautiful indeed. From the more upbeat tracks to even their ballads and slower songs, they all have managed to bring this album into my favorites. My favorite songs on this album have to have been Last Scene, Time's Up, and 천생여자 (pronounced Cheonsaengyeoja, yes, I can read hangul). Last Scene has the same jazzy sort of feel that I love in music, and I think with the help of 9Muses and possibly from playing Fallout games too much, I've realized my love for jazz. It's really sad. And I must add, the promo pictures for this album are beautiful, no joke.
So here's a picture of Hyuna, because why not? |
IU's Modern Times/ Modern Times - Epilogue (2013)

As previously mentioned when I was talking about Prima Donna, this masterpiece of an album was also originally released in the month of October in 2013. Maybe it's because I'm a jazz-fag or because I was obsessed with Fallout: New Vegas at the moment, but something compelled me to listen to this album, and I haven't regretted it. By far, my favorite songs have to be Obliviate, Everybody Has Secrets (featuring Gain)m and Friday on the repackage. The first song I heard after listening to The Red Shoes was A Gloomy Clock, which I immediately bought on iTunes with whatever money I had remaining. However, I then listened to Everybody Has Secrets, and regretted using the money I had left buying A Gloomy Clock. Damn, the first time I heard the chorus to this song... just listen to it and you'll understand. Obliviate simply has the feel of some of her older songs, mixed with a more mature feeling. As I said with Everybody Has Secrets, listen to it, and you'll know. And with Friday? It may share the name of one of the shittiest songs in history, but it's sure as hell far from that. It's become a thing for me to listen to this song every Friday ever since its release, simply because of IU's voice and the guitar in the background.
T-Ara's Absolute First Album/ Breaking Heart (2009)

I'm starting to believe that albums and songs released toward the end of the year tend to be better than others released toward the beginning. I mean, seriously, Step 2/4, Modern Times, and Prima Donna were all released in October, while this album was released in November. I'll start off by saying, sure, I may not like all of the songs on this album, but there are a few that will keep this album up there for me. These songs are Lies (both the original and 'Ballad' version), You You You (Say Goodbye), Tic Tic Toc, and I Go Crazy Because of You on the repackage. And so I don't ramble on too much, I'll simply say that those songs were the saving grace of the album. So listen to them.
As you can see, not all of my said 'bias' groups appear on this list, and thus, it is easily concluded that this list is not biased. Shit, if some group full of shittards and idiots happened to release a good album, I'd happily go out and buy it, no matter how much I hate their guts.
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