Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Lesson in Korean History: IU and Seotaiji's 'Sogyeokdong'

Hello, FISHies! After a long hiatus, I am finally returning to my part in contributing to the blog with an article that may be potentially boring to a few; however, extremely informational to those who shall read it. Now without further ado, I shall explain to you the historical significance of IU and Seotaiji's newest release, 'Sogyeokdong'.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Let's Talk - Companies

After a week's delay, I'm finally back with the next edition of the 'Let's Talk' series. This week, the main subject is 'Companies', as most of the questions asked corresponded to said topic. A little disclaimer, most of the information displayed in this article is from my own personal observations and experiences, and other people may have experienced different things that impact their view on said topics, but I will go solely off of what I think/have seen.


To make up for the utter lack of content on this page, I'll just be posting a shitton of the things I was SUPPOSED to post quite some time ago, so some of them may be a bit out of date, but still relevant.

What We See vs. Reality - Idol Relationships and Who Your Idol Really Is

With the recent news of Hyoyeon's alleged 'bullying' from her members, which is more than likely false, I have decided that it'd be a good idea to clear up a few things regarding the subject of your idols relationships.
PS, I fucking hate you

Let's Talk - Homosexuality in Korea

Happy Wednesday! And you know what that means? I'm back again, and this time, I'm covering a subject that I've wanted to for quite a while, and I've been given the opportunity to do so from someone on the forums. This article will be filled more with factual information than my opinions on the topic, so sit back and grab something keep yourself awake, because you're going to learn some things today.